It feels like I’m being inspired by stories like this. Lord knows I desperately need to go to the GYM I mean look at me…yes I have a belly. Even after the surgery I can admit that I didn’t take care of myself. But all this is about to change. Sometimes you need a little motivation to get things going and wit the support of my family I’m sure I can make it happen.
#2 – Doing a little bit every day. A 30 minute walk goes a long way so starting from today. I shall start my 3o minute walk and document it. I hate putting my life out there but if this is the only way I can keep myself accountable so be it. I did it before I can do it again.
#3- Be consistent. There is no doubt that you can see that I have a crazy life…let’s not get into it, I’m not looking for an excuse. However consistency is key. Just like blogging, writing, running a business. To achieve anything in life the key word is consistency. I did it in my business, why can’t I do it for my health.
Well this is it. More to come when I start. Here is to your health in 2017!