Warning I’m about to get super excited about this blog and I have a good reason why…Proud moment here…I look awesome…though yes I will admit I was styled by Mimi from Mimi’s Corner, I could not come up with an outfit like that in less than 4 hours….but daaaaaaang baby girl look good!!!! Alright taking it all in…and scene..let’s get back to business!!
eh hem!!!
It is always applauded when a group of young individuals come together to accomplish what many would see as failure. So is the story of La Danse Afro, a dance group performing mostly in the South Florida area decided to raise funds for the liveliness of their group by putting together a Ball Room/theatrical event.
The event took place at the Intercoastal Yatch Club. I have one word for the location…UPSCALE! The attire was extremely enforced as gentlemen waltzed in with tuxedos and women with gowns. From the valet to the scenic route to the room with a beautiful view, I give this event an A+
For those who attended it was definitely a blast from the past moment, for I recall growing up to house parties and friend gatherings that left you with the genuine feeling of pure fun. No one seems to be a stranger as it became so easy to network. Hosted by Soraya Jean Pierre, the evening offered amazing performances by LaDanse Afro, wonderful food and finished with the appearance of the group Gabel who serenaded the room with their classic and upcoming songs.
It would be wrong to leave you wanting for a video and not showing it to you. Therefore enjoy while I go bask in my red splendor!!! LOL