It’s always a pleasure to be able to cover events orchestrated by RAW, I get to meet new artists and get to discover new art. One of my favorite artists actually came back to this month’s RAW event, Rachel Matos, a genius in artistic pattern, I’ve found a special connection to her art for the way she portrays women and the pain that consumes them is implacably represented. At the last show I did buy one of her pieces, this time I was just astonished to see that she had stepped up her game a notch. The featured piece was made out of utilizing a burning pen through wood. Thank God I snatched that picture before it was sold…and trust that it sold for quite some change!!!
What I appreciated this time is that I saw more paintings. Abstract galore!!! if you haven’t figured it out yet I’m a fanatic, My definition of abstract would be the liberty of expressing one’s self through patterns, colors and forms that leaves its audience to create its own interpretation. So is the awesome work of Laelanie Larach, the whole time I was left wondering what’s up with the eyes ?“Her latest collection titled “Black Sight” a soul connection with the eyes and internal dreams, as in a tantric way can communicate with another soul without saying a word.” (source I certainly was not disappointed through each and every of her pieces those eye balls really wanted to say something.
As an artist if you are able to capture a live object or person to the millimeter, consider yourself gifted, so is the case of Dana Morgado, I could recognize the subjects of some of her drawings immediately such as Freda, Gandhi, and Mandela. Kudos to her!
I’m not going to lie the fashion segment didn’t do it for me this time. However one designer stood out and to my surprise she happens to be from my home country Haiti, Marie Jouberthe I would say that she is off to a good start, there is certainly room for improvement. One of her pieces was well represented, a lace back with silk material dress. I probably was expecting pieces that I haven’t seen before however they were all deja vus.
On the vendor side, besides the hero costumes from Gotham City FX that left me wondering what the what? which I thought were pretty cool by the way, I was very pleased the accessory lines of Mel C. , SelahZuri and Skinimini.
Overall, it was a night of fun, music, dance and RAW art! see what I did there!!!! lol
Until next time..toodles!
Enjoy the remaining pictures:
RAW -MOSAIC by Slidely Slideshow