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Thanksgiving celebration, Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever else you want to call your holidays is definitely an excuse to eat more than usual. The dieters get a free pass to cheat and the gluttons just overdo it for absolutely no reason at all..aaah food the thick girl’s common enemy…well no need to fear Mimi is here!!!

If ever you find yourself overeating during this holiday season, the goal is to always look fabulous no matter what. Certain accessories like the jacket for example can be your best friend in this case. It gives the illusion of a smaller waist and distracts the eyes from the extra love you have on your hips.

In our first example do rock a casual short length jacket with your dress. It adds that hint of sophistication while hiding the areas that don’t necessary need to show. Don’t forget the accessories, that’s what differs the office woman to the business woman…because clearly we mean business in this

Pants can also be a great way to hide the unwanted areas, in this particular case a belt is unnecessary, leave a little room for that extra piece of turkey you are about to indulge in, but definitely do add a jacket, for when standing or sitting that little life saver becomes your safety blanket. Besides you will shed the extra turkey but burning it off at the after party so at the end of the day you will still look fabulous.

You were probably thinking that I would recommend a belt to tighten up the mid section but that’s where opposites work perfectly, add a jacket and instantly look smaller. Remember less is more!

Next week will be about looking super sophisticated while keeping it simple.


Until next time.