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The world of fashion can be fascinating and tricky at the same time. Keeping up with the latest trends while keeping your preferences can be challenging at times.

Very often have I seen certain outfits that reflects a perfect cut and yet despite having a wonderful design just doesn’t fit the subject. Sometimes it’s the cut, sometimes the color…yes the color! We have been blessed with the gift of creativity and one element compliments it to perfection it’s the color.

Now lately I may have observed that the color of the cloth may not necessarily match the subject’s skin tone. Fluorescent colors for example are magnificent in their essence but  do they necessarily mean they are easy to rock ..absolutely not.

Dark skin tones are beautiful but can clash with vibrant fluorescent colors, though they may seem to give an eccentric look it’s not for everyone, my thing is unless you are wearing these type of colors for artistic reasons, the day to day wear doesn’t require all this extravagance. Of course DO keep it simple and classy, excessive accessories do not need to accompany your outfit. One popping accessory can always do the trick

And last but not least, don’t be afraid to combine colors, show your sense of creativity by mixing without seeming to matchy. Present trends no longer require the mix and match look!

If you wish to share your best looks with the blog please email at  We would love to see your best look!

Fashionably yours!