In this dog eat dog entertainment jungle, one can only wish to achieve the level of success that certain recognizable names have been able to accomplish. Lucky are they? No… perhaps I have talked about these principles so often on my blog, but will never cease to repeat them: Hard work consistency and faith. I recently have met these young artists Demo and Uncut, two best friends of totally different heritage, who formed the group I Reg D-League, I have had the opportunity to listen to their music, though I am not a fan of profanity, I paid attention to the lyrics, the way they flowed and the beats of the music. I certainly give them an “A” plus for originality, not to state the obvious but the song Denzel [Denzel’s video seen on 5Sur5TV] happens to be one of my favorites, the way segments of Denzel’s acting were incorporated into the song, brilliant. The message was clear they were here to stay and will fight their way to reach that summit.
People may not know this about artists but their personalities change once given a microphone or perhaps standing in front of a camera but I have to tell you having to meet them changes everything, they have such jovial souls, their energy and will to be able to create pure music can be seen through these smiling eyes of refreshing!
The album is wonderful, I certainly enjoyed other songs such as “We are kings” and “Music is Amazing” . Their motto “LIFE UP” a strong statement that eliminates all excuses.
They are certainly climbing the latter and I have no doubt in my mind that we will be looking at them touring the world. Kudos guys keep doing what you do and see you at the top.