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Needless to say that I had to write about this right away, I don’t think it would have ever come to this but it did, I have witnessed the most unorganized fashion event ever. For starters I have to say that I have nothing against anyone that were behind this event for I have to recognize effort, I have been on the other side of the fence, produced a show, I understand the sweat and tears put behind a fashion show, how chaotic it can become, how things can go wrong at the last minute, but it is imperative to KEEP YOUR COOL at all cost when things of the sort happen.

However before I continue I have to publicly apologize to my producers LCStudioS for having to waste their time, they are at a level today that mondaine work wouldn’t interest them anymore, they have paid their dues and now are representing the biggest fashion network in Europe, Yet still found the time to come support little ol’ me…. I have to say that marketing wise it was a job well done for they have oversold it to the public, making everyone believe that Jennifer Williams, cast member of the basketball wives on VH1 was going to show up…. disappointingly she didn’t …which is alright for miss Annaliese Dayes from America’s Next Top Model British Invasion came the the rescue.

However a rescue short lived, for some reason or the other, just a few minutes within starting the event she walked off. Moreover I was looking at the judges and I dont think they were comfortable at all. The whole point of their presense was to chose a winner yet half through the event they vanished.

The weather conditions were not appropriate for such event, YOU CAN’T HAVE an outside fashion show when it’s muggy and hot outside. Don’t get me wrong the house was beautiful but not for an event like this. Mistake number 2, you can tell it was missing a woman’s touch, if a woman (that knows what she’s doing) was involved in this her

6th sense would have guided them not to have it in such location, NOT to have chosen 16 designers, NOT to have the judges sit on a sofa, and to have better treated the celebrity guests.

Now I’m not going to lie Chit Chat With Corhinn did come with the intention of covering the event on a sponsorship level, so much that I had to call the big guns to do so,
unfortunately for those who know me I can only tell the truth. The show needed major work, and the vendors didn’t have their place there at all the way they were scattered I personally didn’t have an interest to go visit their table.

The positive in all this is, the musical performances were entertaining, I mean Jamaican super star JUNIOR REID came through definitely enjoyed that, the models did what they had to do and the designers came and delivered. I hope they will be able to continue have the same enthusiastic taste for fashion despite unfortunate situations.