Category: Important Reviews

Ragasten Paul

I have to say that I will never cease to appreciate stories where the victor relives the journey with a smile and utters the words “They told me I couldn’t make it happen…yet look at me now!!!” such is the story of History Bee coordinator Ragasten Paul. According to his peers he has put in a great deal of work behind this great achievement, indeed a moment that all Haitians around the world could be proud of. Our very first Haitian History Bee where elementary and high schools around South Miami get to compete against one another answering questions about Haitian history.

An event hosted by 2 Haitian American Icons, multi talented artist  Mecca aka Grimo and published author Marjory Sheba.

Team Fulford


The first round rallied elementary students among those were listed Team Fulford, Team Linda Lentin, Team Natural Bridge, Team North Miami and Team Rolando Espinosa. Now I must say it was so delightful to see non Haitian students knowing so much about our history. Indeed it was a close call, the competition was grueling, in the end team Fulford took home the trophy resulting of their winning  against Team Lina lentin.

The High School which competed were Team MAST Academy, Team North Miami, Team Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, Team Edison, Team Palmeto and Team Brother Rice Honors Academy

After the intermission the High shools competed against one another, but I have to say the last round became pretty interesting when Team MAST Academy went against Team Brother Rice Honors Academy, to each answer one gave the other punched right back with a correct one, the anticipation of having to end this round was definitely

Team Brother Rice Academy

throughout the room, both competitors went head to head expressing their knowledge and reassuring the judges that indeed they knew their material.

Finally Team MAST Academy took home the title , close call indeed but no one went home empty handed for both team proved how knowledgeable they were, kudos to both teams and definitely cannot wait for the next one.

Team MAST Academy

There is a need for more of these events in our community and I applaud the men and women behind such great achievement and those who believed enough to give their support.

Another great example of what “L’union fait la force” should look like. Until next year I’ll be waiting.